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Ladies Pamper Day

Calling all Ladies who like to eat drink and be pampered! Casa la Pedrera is opening it's grounds again on Thursday 23rd June 11.00a.m. until 4.00p.m. to any ladies who would like to enjoy a leisurely day out. Starting with a welcome glass of Cava or a refreshing cup of tea, ladies will be able to wander in the grounds, have a leisurely massage or beauty treatment, watch a few short demonstrations, possibly even Zumba! (participation strictly voluntary) enjoy a two course lunch with a glass of wine and by special request Susan will make the Mother in Law's secret recipe sherry trifle!! Husbands or lovers can drop their ladies off and return to collect and enjoy a lesiurely cup of tea at 4.00p.m.

Book early as last year we were over subscribed... Tickets are €12 and profits from the day are for Paul Cunningham Nurses. A list of special prices for massage and other treatments available will be sent on request. Please email [email protected] or call or text to 639 318 526

Addition this year of 'relax in the jacuzzi' so if this or a leisuely swim appeals please bring your cozzies and towels!


Ladies Pamper Day

Calling all Ladies who like to eat drink and be pampered! Casa la Pedrera is opening it's grounds again on Thursday 23rd June 11.00a.m. until 4.00p.m. to any ladies who would like to enjoy a leisurely day out. Starting with a welcome glass of Cava or a refreshing cup of tea, ladies will be able to wander in the grounds, have a leisurely massage or beauty treatment, watch a few short demonstrations, possibly even Zumba! (participation strictly voluntary) enjoy a two course lunch with a glass of wine and by special request Susan will make the Mother in Law's secret recipe sherry trifle!! Husbands or lovers can drop their ladies off and return to collect and enjoy a lesiurely cup of tea at 4.00p.m.

Book early as last year we were over subscribed... Tickets are €12 and profits from the day are for Paul Cunningham Nurses. A list of special prices for massage and other treatments available will be sent on request. Please email [email protected] or call or text to 639 318 526

Addition this year of 'relax in the jacuzzi' so if this or a leisuely swim appeals please bring your cozzies and towels!



I have been reading a lot of the things that people have been writing on these websites over the last few months and it has made me think twice as to coming to Spain to live, as it does not seem to be that much better than life in the U.K just thought I would ask a direction question to all on this forum.
My question is "if you had your time again and knowing what you know now would you move to Spain?


I guess for us who have been here five years, and more, the adventure has taken some twists and turns, but the positive side is that when we arrived there were a lot of dead beats and so called professionals who had reinvented themselves and made a lot of money from the then innocent Brits. I only wish we had sites like this one up and running so that we were not ripped off by these vagabonds who have now milked the honey pot dry and moved on.

In answer to your question, If I could turn back the clock to that Sunday in February 2007 when I first arrived to start my new life here in Spain. I might do things differently, but I have no regrets moving here. I have seen many changes but the best part is that now the people who have stayed here and made it their home despite the hard times, are the true lovers of the spirit that is Spain.

Thank you for your posting, it will be interesting to see others point of view.

Commented campoamorlife in Campoamor 2011-06-11 11:59:47 UTC

I now work with a charity and am just about to post my next event - I came here to live in 2002 my husband following 4 years later - I still think it's great but then for me the sunshine is the most important factor! If you can don't burn your boats come over and stay as if you were living here and not just on holiday with holiday money.

Commented Susan Reader in Quesada 2011-06-11 12:32:13 UTC


I have been reading a lot of the things that people have been writing on these websites over the last few months and it has made me think twice as to coming to Spain to live, as it does not seem to be that much better than life in the U.K just thought I would ask a direction question to all on this forum.
My question is "if you had your time again and knowing what you know now would you move to Spain?


yip absolutley no doubt about it

Commented cafe vienna in Quesada 2011-06-10 20:01:14 UTC

Would definately do the same again and absolutely have no regrets whatsoever.

Commented john in Quesada 2011-06-10 20:11:11 UTC

I would go home tomorrow if I could, its to hot in the summer and the land scape dusty and sad. Give me the green, green grass of home any day

Commented Dave Long in Rojales 2011-06-11 07:28:10 UTC

You can struggle here or struggle in the UK, I will choose here every time.

Commented Chalk Face Academia in Almoradi 2011-06-11 11:08:50 UTC

I guess for us who have been here five years, and more, the adventure has taken some twists and turns, but the positive side is that when we arrived there were a lot of dead beats and so called professionals who had reinvented themselves and made a lot of money from the then innocent Brits. I only wish we had sites like this one up and running so that we were not ripped off by these vagabonds who have now milked the honey pot dry and moved on.

In answer to your question, If I could turn back the clock to that Sunday in February 2007 when I first arrived to start my new life here in Spain. I might do things differently, but I have no regrets moving here. I have seen many changes but the best part is that now the people who have stayed here and made it their home despite the hard times, are the true lovers of the spirit that is Spain.

Thank you for your posting, it will be interesting to see others point of view.

Commented campoamorlife in Campoamor 2011-06-11 12:14:18 UTC

It would make no differnce at all, we would have no hesitation in making exactly the same decision again. I think its the same wherever you decided to live in the world. You learn, you adapt and integrate and get on with life.

Commented chrishenrick at a day ago

Commented chrishenrick in Almoradi 2011-06-11 12:21:18 UTC


I have been reading a lot of the things that people have been writing on these websites over the last few months and it has made me think twice as to coming to Spain to live, as it does not seem to be that much better than life in the U.K just thought I would ask a direct question to all on this forum.
My question is "if you had your time again and knowing what you know now would you move to Spain?"

I have only been here for a few months so I am sure I do not have much advise I can give, only to say that its hard to start with but everyone is so helpful all the expats seem to stick together and are there to help, After 6 months Spain is already our home.

Commented Dawn in La Marina 2011-06-11 07:24:10 UTC

I guess for us who have been here five years, and more, the adventure has taken some twists and turns, but the positive side is that when we arrived there were a lot of dead beats and so called professionals who had reinvented themselves and made a lot of money from the then innocent Brits. I only wish we had sites like this one up and running so that we would not have been ripped off by these vagabonds who have now milked the honey pot dry and moved on.

In answer to your question, If I could turn back the clock to that Sunday in February 2007 when I first arrived to start my new life here in Spain. I might do things differently, but I have no regrets moving here. I have seen many changes but the best part is that now the people who have stayed here and made it their home despite the hard times, are the true lovers of the spirit that is Spain.

Thank you for your posting, it will be interesting to see the points of view of others .

Commented campoamorlife in Campoamor 2011-06-11 12:20:32 UTC


I am looking to change our Television and hoped that one of the members could suggest where to get the best deal around! I would like any model that has the latest technology LED, and with a size of approx 42in - 50in. Does anybody have any idea, either in Almoradi or anywhere else. Thanks a lot.


Expert in Almoradi have some great offers sometimes otherwise Carrefour in Torrevieqa definitely the cheapest.

Commented hattention in Almoradi 2011-06-10 16:48:52 UTC

Tien 21 in almoradi is brilliant we buy everything from there now they deliver and install if necassary they are really helpful we never use carrefour as they are a nightmare if anything goes wrong and needs replaced

Commented cafe vienna in Quesada 2011-06-10 20:03:37 UTC

I agree Tien 21 are very good! Not only that when you buy locally you receive a better all round service and you are also putting money in the local economy and are helping to keep our precious businesses opened.

Commented john in Quesada 2011-06-10 20:09:53 UTC

Thanks a lot everybody, I think we will probably buy locally as the majority of the consensus recommends.
Thanks again.

Commented chrishenrick in Almoradi 2011-06-11 12:18:13 UTC

Thought for the day!

“Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch you sleep... wait for the boy who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats, who holds your hand in front of his friends, who thinks you're just as pretty without makeup on. One who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky his is to have you.... The one who turns to his friends and says, 'that's her.'”


Spanish Classes

We have an English / Spanish language academy in Almoradí. We started the school in 2009 teaching English; it has taken off so well we have now started teaching Spanish classes to people wanting to integrate into Spanish life. Classes are 5€ per class. We accommodate all levels from beginners to advanced and our classes are taught by a qualified, friendly native Spanish teacher. The classes are fun & friendly - so why not join us and make new friends whilst learning Spanish?
Interested? Give us a call or email us.

Our telephone numbers are:
695 305 825 or 965 701 984
Our email address is:
[email protected]

Spanish Classes

We have an English / Spanish language academy in Almoradí. We started the school in 2009 teaching English; it has taken off so well we have now started teaching Spanish classes to people wanting to integrate into Spanish life. Classes are 5€ per class. We accommodate all levels from beginners to advanced and our classes are taught by a qualified, friendly native Spanish teacher. The classes are fun & friendly - so why not join us and make new friends whilst learning Spanish?
Interested? Give us a call or email us.

Our telephone numbers are:
695 305 825 or 965 701 984
Our email address is:
[email protected]

Spanish Classes

We have an English / Spanish language academy in Almoradí. We started the school in 2009 teaching English; it has taken off so well we have now started teaching Spanish classes to people wanting to integrate into Spanish life. Classes are 5€ per class. We accommodate all levels from beginners to advanced and our classes are taught by a qualified, friendly native Spanish teacher. The classes are fun & friendly - so why not join us and make new friends whilst learning Spanish?
Interested? Give us a call or email us.

Our telephone numbers are:
695 305 825 or 965 701 984
Our email address is:
[email protected]

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